داستان آبیدیک

minimally invasive cardiac surgery


1 عمومی:: جراحی قلب غیرتهاجمی

The technique was called MICS, minimally invasive cardiac surgery, and it involved performing coronary artery bypass grafts and valve repairs through a small chest incision rather than by sawing the breastbone in half. C, a nationally recognized expert who had been involved designing the MICS technology and who had already performed more than sixty procedures using the method. M, a young surgeon who had never done the MICS procedure and who had a similarly inexperienced team around him. To the contrary: It was slower to learn, and its skill (measured by the time it took to successfully complete the MICS surgery) plateaued after ten procedures. Framing: Successful teams conceptualized MICS as a learning experience that would benefit patients and the hospital.

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